Disco Youth

Youth Ministries

Welcome, families!

We are excited to meet your student! Our goal is simple — to help youth see and understand how the gospel applies in their everyday life, learning to apply this truth in all circumstances. We also aim to equip them to share that understanding with their friends and peers facing similar circumstances and issues.

Youth today are faced with a vast array of challenges and ideas about the world we live in. We strive to create a safe place where they can ask questions, get encouragement, and be equipped to face the difficulties of this world in a way that gives glory to God.


Every youth participant needs to be registered at the beginning of each school year. Once they're signed up, they're ready for a whole year of activities, from Sunday worship and midweek groups to fun monthly events.


Sundays at Lincoln
Disco Youth meets Sunday mornings at 10:00am at Lincoln High School for group and fellowship time. Come join us in Room 218 to meet your new best friends and do life alongside other young people!

January 8 - June (date TBD) — Disco Youth Midweek Group

Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:00 PM

For spiritual growth and growing connections, an hour or two on Sunday mornings just isn't enough. Midweek youth groups let us have more fun together, but also go deeper into the Bible together, explore spiritual questions and topics together, and just...be together! Contact Chris Davis or the church office for more information.

Monday Night Craft Night (Monthly)
6:30 - 8:00 PM

Join us on the 3rd Monday of every month and let your creative side shine. Contact Heather Neal or the church office for more information.

For other Disco Youth events...
Keep an eye on our Events page!