Save the date, book the babysitter, and join us for a hilarious, entertaining, inspiring, very special night out...all in an effort to fully fund a beloved Discovery family leaving in October for full-time mission work.
You'll experience talent like you've never seen before, as friends from Discovery and beyond take the stage for a show you'll remember for years!
You'll be inspired as you hear the story behind this family's call to missions — and you'll learn how storytelling is a key part of this missional move.
===> Take a sneak peek at the family's mission work in progress
You'll enjoy a delicious, traditional North African meal*...a nod to the family's October destination.
Best of all, you'll be supporting a family's global mission and helping to build God's eternal Kingdom in a meaningful, memorable, super-fun way!
Cost: $25 per person — includes dinner, live entertainment, opportunities to win prizes and raise mission support, and more!
Space is limited and filling up register soon!
*Gluten-free/vegan options are available
3102 S 23rd St, Tacoma, WA 98405
Jul 14, 2023