Financial Update - April 2020

May 8th, 2020


God is our provision. We deeply believe and depend on His provision for our daily bread. What The Father calls us to - He absolutely provides. Yet, this miraculous provision is always preceded by the radical generosity of God’s people. 

Every radical act of generosity, large or small from a human perspective, is both holy and powerful. It is our conviction of these fundamental perspectives that guide our management.

As a response to the current crisis, we are positioning the church to:

  1. Multiply. We remain under any and all circumstances under the submission of God’s continuing multiplying kingdom work.
  2. Care. We will live generously with one another and our neighbors.
  3. Support. We intend to continue ongoing support to mission partners.
  4. Employ. Avoid layoffs or furloughs of Discovery employees.

The Staff and Church Council have put into place a 90-day budget (May-July) that reduces expenses while maintaining our commitment to the above objectives.

As of May 7, our reserve fund and undesignated balances slightly exceed 2 months of operating expenses under this new budget. 

Our new 90-day budget requires:

$42,650 / month

$9,842.30 / week  (13 Sundays over a 90-day budget period)

Actual Financial gifts received over the previous 8 weeks:
$92,796 -- $11,599 /weekly average

Financial Update-2.png

Please continue to join us in prayer for:

  • Mission partners here and around the globe to be well provided for
  • Discovery members and neighbors who have lost work
  • The ongoing provision for the multiplying mission of Discovery Community Church