God is our provision. We deeply believe and depend on His provision for our daily bread. What The Father calls us to - He absolutely provides. Yet, this miraculous provision is always preceded by the radical generosity of God’s people.
Every radical act of generosity, large or small from a human perspective, is both holy and powerful. It is our conviction of these fundamental perspectives that guide our management.
As a response to the current crisis, we are positioning the church to:
The Staff and Church Council have put into place a 90-day budget (May-July) that reduces expenses while maintaining our commitment to the above objectives.
As of May 7, our reserve fund and undesignated balances slightly exceed 2 months of operating expenses under this new budget.
Our new 90-day budget requires:
$42,650 / month
$9,842.30 / week (13 Sundays over a 90-day budget period)
Actual Financial gifts received over the previous 8 weeks:
$92,796 -- $11,599 /weekly average
Please continue to join us in prayer for:
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