Financial Update - June 2020

July 10th, 2020


When we are generous with our resources, we become active participants in leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Whether it’s in Pierce County or around the world -- your gifts make it possible for more people to hear about Jesus!

We are asking you to prayerfully consider giving financially to God's multiplying, mosaic movement to make Discovery Pop-Up services a reality. We will need to raise $10,000 in gifts and we invite everyone to be a part of this mission. Click here for more information.

Our June Financial Update --

As you may recall, the Staff & Church Council implemented a 90-day budget (May-July) that reduces expenses while maintaining our ministry commitments.

As of July 10, our reserve fund & undesignated balances slightly exceed 2 months of operating expenses under this new budget. 

Our new 90-day budget requires:

$9,842.30 / week (13 Sundays over a 90-day budget period)

Actual Financial gifts received over the previous 6 weeks:
$61,716 -- $10,286 /weekly average

Financial Update - June.png

Please continue to join us in prayer for:

  • Mission partners here & around the globe to be well provided for
  • Discovery members and neighbors who have lost work
  • Our RE:Gather strategy
  • The ongoing provision for the multiplying mission of Discovery Community Church