Financial Update - May 2020

June 19th, 2020


God is our provision. We deeply believe and depend on His provision for our daily bread. What The Father calls us to - He absolutely provides. Yet, this miraculous provision is always preceded by the radical generosity of God’s people. 

Over these last few unprecedented months, we have heard from many of our generous givers. Some have been able to continue or to increase their offerings during these changing times. While others have had to adjust because of job loss or temporary layoffs. No matter what your situation is, you are an important part of this ministry and we take comfort in knowing that God is faithful.

The Staff & Church Council implemented a 90-day budget (May-July) that reduces expenses while maintaining our ministry commitments.

As of June 15, our reserve fund and undesignated balances slightly exceed 2 months of operating expenses under this new budget. 

Our new 90-day budget requires:

$42,650 / month

$9,842.30 / week  (13 Sundays over a 90-day budget period)

Actual Financial gifts received over the previous 7 weeks:
$68,998 -- $9,857 /weekly average

Financial Update - May.png

Please continue to join us in prayer for:

  • Mission partners here & around the globe to be well provided for
  • Discovery members and neighbors who have lost work
  • The ongoing provision for the multiplying mission of Discovery Community Church