#GivingTuesday and ... Vodka?

December 2nd, 2014 | Jon Fredricks

#GivingTuesday and … Vodka?

Today is #GivingTuesday. I’m “ALL IN” with #GivingTuesday! I love the idea. I believe everyday radicals look for opportunities to give. There’s certainly not a lack of giving options. Yet generosity, radical generosity, requires one thing that few talk about – WISDOM.

Before 8 am rolled around I had my first giving opportunity. As I pulled up to the Safeway early this AM, a gentleman was standing there to greet me, asking for change. It’s not unusual to be greeted like that at my local Safeway, it is unusual to be greeted that early.

But, I didn’t have any change. While I quickly shopped, I remembered the cold. I remembered the man. I remembered grace. No warm coffee inside the store, but maybe a king sized Snickers would help fight off the cold. As I approached the gentlemen on my way to the car, I smiled and said,

“how ‘bout a Snickers?” To my surprise, he adamantly shook his head.  “No man.  What I need is vodka. I need $5 dollars for vodka. I need you to go in there and buy me vodka.” (pretty sure he wanted vodka and not the snickers)

Now today on #GivingTuesday we will all have multiple opportunities to be generous. For most of us the decisions will be a little tougher than the one I faced this AM. Most of our decisions will be between multiple “good” options. There are quite a few “good” causes out there – but which one is God’s will for me? With my limited resources, which will do the most good?  It can be a difficult task to give, even overwhelming. Just don’t let it paralyze you! Part of God’s plan with generosity is to actually grow our faith and leadership. Let me give you a quick matrix to help today and hopefully in the many days to come as you grow in generosity:

(PS: for a great giving opportunity follow the link at the bottom for Discovery’s Mission Giving Initiatives for 2015 – ALL IN)

1. Pray about it.  

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God…and it will be given to you. James 1:5

2. Is this a trusted organization?

Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. Matthew 7:6

3. Is this advancing eternity?

…with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. Revelation 5:9

4. Does it match my personal mission?

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

5. Can I do it cheerfully?

…for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

6. Trust

After all that, trust. Use the wisdom God gives you today to make the best faith decision and God will grow you and touch the world at the same time. It really is fun to watch what God will do in and through you.

Last, please take a moment to prayerfully consider giving towards Discovery’s “ALL IN

Pastor Jon