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OPEN: Tad Ernst + Family


God's Perfect Grace & Love

Forgiveness was the first and most powerful lesson I was graced with. Receiving forgiveness from those who I sinned against and giving mercy to those who sinned against me.
Aug 24 - Esther Rogers

S. 48th St.

God’s presence was undeniably there. And, believe me, I wanted to ignore it SO BAD! But something was keeping me there. I knew it was where I was supposed to be, but the thought of changing my life or lifestyle to accommodate it was overwhelming, but I did it.
Aug 20 - Chris Williams

The Winding Path

I was just a girl who always knew about God but just didn't know what a relationship with God could look like.
Aug 17 - Yuri Kuriatnyk

The Jumping Off Point

Our testimonies should engage with others and be a jumping-off point for MORE engagement, questions, and discoveries. We want to share in a way that keeps the conversation going!
Aug 11 - Jason Curry

You Can't Outgive God

If a person lives long enough, sooner or later they’ll hopefully come to realize that they can’t outgive God. It starts, however, with learning what He has gifted you with.
Jul 29 - Charles Gore

SOW! (Even if you wanna say NO)

The reality is that I sometimes simply don’t feel generous and want to keep those things for my own desires and wants.
Jul 23 - Mike Sandefur

To Give (and LOVE) Unconditionally

When you give intentionally and without condition to meet the needs of someone else, it can be the most fulfilling.
Jul 20 - Netsie Carlson

Enlarge My Capacity

I give because He supplies what I need and enlarges my capacity in the process. As I give my all, He surprises me with miracles unending in time, money, and energy.
Jul 16 - Nicole Lam

But We Can Try

Sometimes, my thinking and perception of my circumstances and certain situations can be very black and white. Everything is either all good or all bad. But when I take time to pull out my journal...I can see that nothing in life is ever all good or all bad. Except for God. He is all good. He is the exception.
Jul 13 - Halee Harrison

Generosity...but HOW?

I’ve been in church for about 30 years and I don’t ever think I’ve heard anyone talk about how hard it is to be generous.
Jul 08 - Jason Curry